Owner of commercial facility faces lawsuit after tragic accident

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Most businesses in Louisiana take the appropriate steps to attempt to make sure that their liability under employment law is limited. Unfortunately, it is incredibly hard to prepare for the unexpected, like tragic accidents at a workplace facility. Two companies in Louisiana are facing this problem right now, as they are now defendants in a lawsuit that was filed in the aftermath of an explosion at a packaging facility.

According to recent reports, the father of a worker who was killed in an explosion in the facility located in DeRidder, Louisiana filed the lawsuit in Houston. The cause of the explosion, which occurred in February of this year, is still under investigation. However, the lawsuit identifies the owner of the facility as well as the worker’s employer as defendants. The worker’s father is seeking to hold these companies responsible for his son’s death, although it is not immediately clear if there are any defenses available to these businesses under state or federal employment law.

The explosion in question also resulted in the death of two other workers at the facility. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is reportedly investigating the accident. The initial reports indicate that there may have been some combustible vapors and welding involved in the cause of the explosion.

Although many companies try to anticipate employment litigation, these types of incidents are hard to plan for. And the resulting lawsuits can involve more than just employment law issues. Still, companies in Louisiana would be wise to attempt to do their best to protect themselves from lawsuits.

Source: kfdm.com, “Father of worker killed at Louisiana packaging plant files lawsuit,” Brandon Scott, April 25, 2017


