Helping you devise a strategy to overcome a construction dispute

Whether you are seeking to build a home, business, an addition to an existing building, a commercial complex, a road, bridge or any other type of structure, there are often many working parts to a construction project in Louisiana and elsewhere. Thus, when issues occur, parties fail to uphold their obligations, there are major delays or even construction defects, construction disputes are likely to emerge.

At Dunlap Fiore, LLC, our experienced attorneys are dedicated to helping project owners, general contractors, subcontractors, design professionals, equipment suppliers and construction lenders in the Baton Rouge area. Whether you are facing construction project issues due to withheld payments, lien claims, defective work, delays, defective designs or claims for additional work, our legal team has the skills and resources necessary to help our clients overcome these challenges.

Construction law can be very complex and challenging, making it difficult for those involved in a dispute to navigate the process. Moreover, construction projects often include strict timetables, making it essential that decisions and resolutions are timely made. Our attorneys understand the many pressures the parties to construction disputes could be under; therefore, we focus on the needs and best interests of our clients when developing a legal strategy.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s construction litigation website. In order to find a resolution to a construction disputes, the parties to the dispute need to take the time to understand their rights and options. Whether the issues are resolved through negotiation, arbitration, mediation or litigation, it is essential to understand how each of the processes work and how they could benefit the matter.


