Former school president moves forward with employment litigation

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

When there is an ongoing employment dispute between an employer and a former employee, there is a chance that employment litigation will be part of the process, sometimes, on a repeated basis. For these employers, it can be a troublesome time, if they are forced to defend themselves when decisions are made and disagreements are alleged with an employee. It is imperative that they protect themselves whether they are in the public or private sector and do so with a law firm that is experienced in employment law from the employer’s perspective.

A former president at a college in Louisiana who resigned after two attempts on the part of the school to remove him has filed a lawsuit against the school. The man asserts that he faced disability discrimination because he required a heart procedure after a heart attack in 2011.

He left the job for what he said were health reasons after the school tried to oust him. In addition, he says that he was discriminated against because of his religion.

The school is a private Baptist institution and the current college president is a Calvinist. The school has refused to comment on the lawsuit — filed toward the end of last year — and referred to a previous statement denying the allegations. The plaintiff also claims breach of contract.

Employers are interested in doing what is best for their business. No one likes to be dismissed from a job, and there are times when there is a justifiable complaint and employment litigation. However, that is not always the case and a worker might be making allegations due to being disgruntled as to how the situation played out. These types of allegations are not only harmful to the business, but it can lead to a negative reputation in the community and it is crucial to defend against them.

In this case, the plaintiff has repeatedly lodged complaints that he was mistreated for a variety of different reasons. This latest set of allegations asserts that the school violated employment regulations and committed other illegal acts as the plaintiff worked there and subsequently departed. It is imperative that the school defend itself against these charges by contacting a legal firm that specializes in employer liability defense.

Source: Daily Adviser, “Former LC president suing college again,” Leigh Guidry, Jan. 4, 2018


