Former head of police commission claims employment law violations

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Today’s climate is highlighting various employment issues that might have gone unnoticed in the past in Louisiana and across the nation. While that public scrutiny focuses on sexual harassment, other problems are also gaining newfound attention, such as retaliation and wrongful discharge. People who believe they have been treated this way are free to file employment litigation. But, since there is an almost reflexive belief that the defendants are guilty even if they are not, employers also must protect themselves from legal filings with assistance from a law firm that focuses on employment law from their perspective.

A lawsuit was filed by the former executive director of the State Police Commission asserting that she faced retaliation because of several issues related to alleged illegal campaign contributions. The former head was in her job for eight years. She resigned when there was a scandal over the campaign contributions. She says members of the committee told her they were going to use a public forum to subject her to humiliation.

The commission functions to hear complaints from troopers and make decisions on disciplinary appeals. There has been turnover due to controversial problems in recent years. She says that she was pressured to resign because she pushed for the investigation. She claims to have gotten a letter saying that the commission was plotting to remove her. She also alleges harassment and retaliation.

For private and public entities, a legal filing making allegations about retaliation, harassment and other employment law violations can be problematic. This is especially true with an entity like the state police. While wrongdoing is obviously something that must be addressed, that does not mean that the plaintiff is completely justified in the assertions that she was dealing with these behaviors and was forced to resign. Having a law firm that can provide a defense for employers who are confronted with these types of allegations is crucial, especially when there is a lawsuit filed and public trust is at stake. Contacting an attorney is the first step to defending against the claims.

Source: The News Tribune, “Former head of State Police Commission sues for retaliation,” Jan. 14, 2018


