What are some common types of construction defects?

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

While a lot of work and planning may take place when a company erects a structure in Louisiana, that doesn’t mean mistakes won’t be made. Sometimes a construction defect takes place that compromises the safety, stability and ultimately the usability of the structure. Construction defects can be divided into four general categories: design defects, material defects, construction defects and subsurface defects.

Design defects are issues that stem from the design of the structure itself by architects or engineers. For example, a roof that has design defects could cause water to leak into the structure or could cause the structure to have poor support.

Material defects stem from inadequately designed or manufactured materials used in the structure. For example, defects could be found in the wood used to build a structure compromising the safety and stability of the structure.

Construction defects stem from poor workmanship. For example, if an electrician performs his or her job inadequately, it could lead to fire risks.

Finally, subsurface defects stem from the ground on which the structure is built that builders do not consider when erecting the structure. Subsurface defects could include expansive soil or a steep hill.

When a construction defect occurs, sorting out liability can be complex. Sometimes the engineer or architect is responsible for the defect, while other times it may be a supplier, manufacturer, contractor or subcontractor. Because so many parties will work on any given construction project, it may take professional legal guidance to determine who is responsible for any construction defects that occur.


