School contract disputes in Lafayette

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Louisiana employment and contract law is a common source of conflict among employers and employees. For example, Louisiana residents may find it interesting to learn of a new 2012 law governing school personnel contracts. The issue is currently causing some friction in the Lafayette school district.

The new Louisiana law is causing some resistance in Lafayette over school administration hirings. The 2012 law has a provision involving the final decision for hiring employees for the school system, which some are disputing. The law, which is currently under legal challenges, has shifted the hiring authority from the board of education to the school system superintendent.

This past week, the board approved contracts for around 80 school administrators, with the exception of four principals who apparently were hired at a different rate by the superintendent. These four principals were hired for a 244-day work year, which is at least 31 days more than the other school administrators in the district. Because they were hired to help struggling schools, their contracted days were increased.

The board of education took issue with these contracts, but the district claims that the superintendent has the authority to make these types of personnel decisions. For now, the principles remain at work on an implied contract at their current salary.

School contract issues are a common occurrence across Louisiana. Because of this new law governing who can make certain personnel decisions, these contract issues can become complicated – a situation that can affect more than just teaching professionals. A legal professional skilled in employment litigation can help unravel these issues and make sure that employment contracts are fair on both ends.

Source: The Advocate, “New law creates friction in Lafayette over school hirings,” Marsha Sills, Nov. 24, 2013


