How do climate regulations affect small businesses?

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

The impact of global warming is a hot topic. According to NPR, Louisiana ranks fifth in the nation in carbon production. Recently, the government announced that the state would work towards carbon neutrality. A move to save the world from future destruction seems like a no-brainer. However, changing operational models to meet the new climate regulations is difficult for companies.

Small business owners have a particular challenge. Without the wealth and resources enjoyed by large conglomerates, how can smaller entrepreneurs keep up with emerging climate laws?

How can small businesses reduce their carbon footprint?

Large corporations are the biggest offenders of emissions output, so it seems they should be the first to change. Small organizations can make a difference with small changes rather than wait for the big guys to make the first step. Here are a few easy changes that make a significant impact:

  • Cut back on travel
  • Use solar panels
  • Recycle
  • Make a public pledge to help climate change
Why should companies care?

Caring for the planet could lead to saving more green than just trees. Financial incentives could come into play, making it worthwhile to make greener choices.

What will happen to small businesses that do not comply?

There are no clear punishments for firms that do not work towards lowering their greenhouse gas emissions. However, that could change in the future. Agencies of all sizes should have a legal team that will stay updated on new environmental laws and regulations.

Small businesses are essential to the economy and the planet. Companies that make small changes now will be ready for future mandatory regulations.


