Breach of contract alleged against Louisiana attorney general

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Contract disputes are often viewed as being part of private business. However, these can arise in any kind of business, public or private. One such circumstance is when there is a contract dispute when governmental employees believe they should be granted a contract extension and political factors are alleged to be one of the main issues for the disagreement. For those who are facing claims related to breach of contract, a contract dispute or are confronted with litigation, it is crucial to have legal assistance from a law firm that is well-versed in contracts.

For example, a former state senator has filed a lawsuit against the Louisiana attorney general (AG). The former senator asserts that the AG refused to approve a contract extension as legal counsel. He alleges that the act is an abuse of office and is in violation of state law.

The former state senator was the legal counsel for the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors. He wants his contract renewed after serving in the role since February of 2016.

The lawsuit states that the paperwork for the contract renewal was sent to the AG in May of 2017. It claims that the AG has disobeyed the law by not giving a reason in writing for why the contract extension was not approved.

Complicating this case is the insertion of political loyalties into the argument. The AG is a Republican and complained to the Democratic governor about why the former state senator should be allowed to function as a legal counsel when he had been convicted served times for crimes related to a bribery scheme in 1997. The governor’s office alleges that politics are at the crux of the request to remove the legal counsel.

Contracts can be complicated, whether it is a private entity or a public one. Those who are dealing with allegations of misbehavior with contracts, such as those alleged in this situation must protect themselves against lawsuits.

Having a law firm that is experienced in representing public and private entities and is well-versed in looking at cases from the perspective of the business is crucial. Those who are dealing with any issue related to a contract dispute should make certain to have legal advice immediately.

Source: U.S. News & World Report, “Former La. Senator Sues Attorney General in Contract Dispute,” Jan. 25, 2018


