What types of construction defects can lead to lawsuits?

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

A construction defects lawsuit is not one that most builders, contractors or homeowners would like to face. When parties consider how to protect themselves it helps to know what different types of construction defects there are and to understand when a construction defect may lead to a lawsuit.

A construction defect by definition refers to when a structure fails to conform in a manner that can be reasonably used as intended by the buyer or is not constructed in a reasonably workmanlike manner. There are generally several categories of construction defects to be aware of. Construction defects can occur or be alleged related to the design of a construction project; planning of a construction project; supervision of a construction project; inspection of a construction project; observation or project management of a construction project; construction of the project; or materials used in a construction project.

Construction defects can fall into four broad categories including design deficiencies, materials deficiencies, construction deficiencies and subsurface deficiencies. Costly construction defects can include problems with structural integrity; soils problems such as expansive soils; mechanical problems; electrical problems; water intrusion which can result in mold; problems with thermal and moisture protection; and problems with doors, windows and glass or finishes.

When a construction defects lawsuit has been brought, it is important to understand how to handle it for parties to know how to protect themselves. Construction defects law can be complex and important time limits apply to construction defects claim so it can be beneficial to be familiar with the basics of construction law and how to protect yourself if facing a construction defects lawsuit.


