Emmy Rossum in contract dispute with Showtime regarding pay

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Employees in Baton Rouge and other cities across the nation enter contracts with their employers. While employment contracts help designate certain terms such as the job description, salary and length of the contract, some contract terms are not always unambiguous. Thus, both employers and employees should always be prepared for contract disputes regarding the terms set forth in an employment contract, especially if contract disputes are to be settled through negotiation.

According to recent reports, actress Emmy Rossum is currently in an intense contract dispute. The “Shameless” star is in a dispute with Showtime, and this current battle could signify a major victory for female Hollywood actors.

Reports suggest that Rossum seeks to earn more than her co-star William H. Macy. This condition is considered to be retroactive pay for her making less than Macy during all seven seasons of the show. Rossum plays a key character in the show and has appeared in all 84 episodes of the series. Thus, she seeks an equal salary to her co-star.

It is believed that if these negotiations are not successful, Emmy Rossum may not continue with the show. This could mean that the show will either be canceled or will continue on without her character. However, if Rossum does succeed, this could mean a major win for actresses across the nation, even sending a powerful message in other industries.

When an employee believes that they are experiencing unequal pay due to their gender, this might spark a contract dispute. Such a dispute could result in a favorable settlement; however, employees may also be risking their job at the same time. Therefore, it is essential that employees understand their rights and obtain guidance from an experienced attorney.

Source: Forward, “How Emmy Rossum’s Fierce Contract Dispute Could Help Close the Hollywood Pay Gap,” Thea Glassman, Dec. 14, 2016


