Helping Louisiana address construction litigation issues

Working on a major or large construction project is already considered a complex situation. So when issues arise, this often leads to very challenging and even problematic matters. This often delays the project, which could lead to additional costs for many parties involved. Because of that, when legal disputes are present in a construction project, it is important to timely handle these problems so the project can be completed. Avoiding additional costs and lengthy delays are imperative, and those impacted by disputes in the construction industry should be aware of their rights and options.

Our law firm has over 20 years of experience, and our skilled attorneys have represented a wide range of Louisiana clients, helping them navigate their construction litigation issues. Construction issues, defects at a project site or contract disputes could affect several parties involved in the project. Whether you are a contractor, project owner, subcontractor, design professional, equipment supplier or any other interested party, you might have claims such as withheld payments, defective work, lien claims, delay claims, design defects or claims for additional work.

Because several issues could be present in a construction litigation case, those working in the construction industry should take time to understand what options are available to remedy the situation. Our lawyers are very knowledgeable of the applicable laws, and have helped past clients create an effective legal strategy in their situation.

To learn more about what steps you can take to address legal disputes concerning a construction project, check out our law firm’s construction litigation website. This could provide general information regarding the situation, helping individuals make informed and timely decisions.


