Do you have questions about business law or government contracts?

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Whether you are a business owner who is just starting out, an existing small business owner or a large corporation, more than likely in the course of your business operations you may be faced with a legal question which may require consultation with a business law firm. In today’s dynamic business world contracts are an integral part of any business relationship, and may involve a business relationship with the government on a project. In some cases a business may also have to deal with government contractors and, depending on the nature of the project, this can get complex.

It is important for any business trying to secure a project to make sure that they take appropriate steps, such making a reasonable bid and following all regulations. This is especially true when it comes to getting a government contract. For example, when it comes to military construction contracts, one such regulation that all government contractors are required to follow is the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct.

This code, which is included in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, mandates that government contractors self-report any ethical violations to either the government accountability office or the Department of Defense Inspector General. Many may find this regulation and these requirements confusing and complex. Additionally, businesses may need to defend themselves if the government files a claim under the False Claims Act. An effective legal strategy is necessary in litigating such claims.

At our law firm we will work closely with our clients to understand not only their specific needs, such as issues with military contracts, FCA claims and more, but also the nature of any business or contract dispute to develop a legal approach for success.

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