Louisiana Attorney General’s Office settles over harassment claim

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Louisiana recently settled a lawsuit filed by a former investigator for the Attorney General’s Office. The lawsuit claims the man was subject to harassment and wrongful termination after his wife filed discrimination charges against the same office in 2000. The more recent case involved allegations going back to 2005.

The former investigator’s attorney (not affiliated with this firm) insisted that the lawsuit was never about money. According to the attorney, the man endured a wrongful termination and simply wanted to clear his name and his record with the state. According to court documents, the parties agreed to settle for $29,000. The settlement reached by the parties stipulates “no admission of any responsibility” on the state’s behalf.

The former investigator, who is now an internal auditor for the state Department of Education, alleged that the harassment began shortly after his wife filed charges of discrimination against the Attorney General’s Office. The investigator claimed that his superiors and fellow co-workers regularly ridiculed and abused him, accusing him of having a lack of control over his wife.

He also claimed that following his wife’s complaint he became subject to unfounded investigations that were meant to harass him and ultimately remove him from the office. The former investigator said the harassment intensified after he gave a deposition for his wife’s case. At the time of his termination, the man apparently had a clean employment record.

As readers in the Baton Rouge area know, employment litigation can be highly complex and time-consuming for employers and employees alike. Often, an attempt to settle prior to litigation is the best approach, though such a settlement is not always achievable. In either situation, employers would do well to seek the assistance of a professional who is fluent in Louisiana employment law.

Source: The Advocate, “State, ex-employee reach lawsuit deal,” Joe Gyan, Jr., March 15, 2012


